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Deesmiles Views: 9,471
Published: 10 y
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Hi All,

I got rid of the first Rope (very old thick one) that revealed itself after taking Fenbendazole. However I had finished some other parasite meds a week or two before so I can't say for sure Fenbenz is the
solve all... BUT when all other med protocols failed and I experienced scattering Fenbenz was the only med that helped level the playing field; which means it stopped the madness and gave me a place to work from which helped reveal the first Rope. Having gained some sanity at that point, I studied my symptoms; where odd aches and sensations were, what I was doing when I felt ill, what time these things would feed or wake me up, and their subtle movement. I then got started on the Gubarev enemas to get things moving out. I chipped away at this process until I could feel the remaining Ropes and stages were unreachable (in my upper intestines) this is when I started the herbal warfare described in this thread. BTW-I followed Scabdraggr's dose suggestion which equaled a wee bit less then 1/2 tsp. of Fenbenz 25 gram horse paste.

Since I have stayed persistent with the herbs which I increased during the last month ....I have gotten many main Ropes out of my upper intestines. In the last week or so I got out more then I thought possible...even more then I posted in this thread.

I can finally say, I feel strongly that I have eliminated perhaps all or great majority of this crazy take over.

If you chose to try the info provided in this thread to work from: Listen to your body and use this collective information to tailor your attack; add different herbs if you have some on-hand, If you feel like the herbs you are alternating with are a bit too heavy for you lighten up for a dose or two. Take a few days off if you feel you need a bit of recovery time; I concluded either I would feel a bit overwhelmed by herbs or Ropes and made the choice.

After this major Rope collection and my last post...I was still taking herbs and my body made it clear I needed to stop...Something was off? I had a kinda burning intestinal sensation and I just looked weak/sickly. I then put 2 and 2 together and realized after cleansing out over 10 or more full sized Ropes their suc*** heads/ends (in a short amount of time) must of left some pretty damaged intestinal wounds. I then took L-Glutamine and felt instant relief, then ate light with more liquids in my diet. For the first day of 2014...I say this with tears ...I have been almost re-birthed....I really don't recall feeling like this perhaps since childhood...We had a busy loving day but my mind keeps drifting to....How many in the world today are suffering so needlessly...How long have we (all or some) had Ropes?

To a healthy 2014,
with strength to endure and self heal...

PS. Here's the link to the enema protocols etc..
(Just click on the file to the left of the page)


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