A Personal Story
I drink distilled water that is distilled in my kitchen.
It's poured up into 1 gallon glass jugs that organic apple juice comes in.
Looking at the gallon of water, one sees a green tint. No big deal, alot of think glass has a green tint.
Last year, one of the co-admins, Tree, posted a Gabriel Cousens video about restructuring water at Barefooters' Holistics. I decided to try this:
add Sea Salt
vortex the water
set out in the moonlight overnight
bring it in before the sun touches it
Simple enough.
The first bottle came in and sat on the counter top in the kitchen. Walking up the steps, I noticed a beautiful soft blue color to that bottle of water. I thought I was going nuts. I wasn't telling anybody that my water turned blue!! Cousens has said nothing about this.
My bottles of water continued to be restructured. After a couple of weeks, my mother was coming down the stairs as I brought my water in one morning. She said, "I've been meaning to ask what you're putting in your water to make it turn blue." Mama is anything but holistic!! I only replied, "Just restructuring it" and let it go at that.
BUT Y'ALL!! She saw it too!?!
Restructuring you're putting the "energy" back in. Daniel Vitalis and David Wolfe talk about the energy of water. This lead me to search for "blue energy"; orgone is what I found.
orgone .... ormus!!
It's another one of those things to think about!
..... so many things to think about, so little time.