Further to your post about my insomnia, with this big investment in time and energy eliminating copper it would be great to get a second opinion to back up the NB interpretation, like a ceruloplasmin test. Having said that, you might have something about the histamines after all. On insomnia nights I am itching my ears and nose like crazy!
Since histamine effect is cumulative, can't you slowly eliminate down a list of worst offenders and if you feel improvement you have the culprit--until a ceruloplasmin test confirms copper? MY ND tested several "hidden copper toxicity" patients only to find copper deficiencies, and they immediately felt better with supplementation.
I don't want to alienate any fellow travellers on this board, but there is something about NB that involves gaming the body's own rebalancing effort, possibly necessitating more rebalancing more gaming and so on...