Thanks both. Seattle I have followed your posts too.
I agree with the points made here. The vitamin c is an intersting one - i will try taking it in the morning. I have been on a
Low Histamine Diet for a few years now although i cant claim to be as diligent as you could be nor do I wish to be because I do not think at the moment it is the root problem and because I beleive I need daily meat protein.
I'll give an example of this copper/histamine conundrum;
A few days eating zinc (and histamine) rich red meat and alongside my daily omelettes (again zinc, histamine less so) and BANG insomnia / por sleep due to CNS arousal. Im talking no sleep till 4am despite copious calc, mag, b6 (I know you had a similar experience seattle?). Now many would say this is the histamine in the red meat but it could equally be the zinc rich meat shifting copper?!
Suffice to say i remain open minded and I do understand the two issues are strongly linked. Interestingly last 3 nights slept well (if you want to note aerowallah) by taking TMG (methyl donor), more calcium kelp powder than usual, mag, b6. However this combination has often not helped in the past so it may just be amatter of degree in terms of how much histamine / copper Ive stored up. I think trace bio available copper helps me too which is in my calcium formula.
It is not child's play absolutely its a real test isnt it. Luckliy I do have frequent, well formed BM's. Yes I love my saunas and am re joining the gym in the new year. Although in the past when i was having saunas 3 times per week I may have been dredging up too much copper (see L.Wilson) as I had similar problems with detox / sleep. also I swim a lot which could be a copper issue with the poools!
Its a minefield but one I beleive we will all slowly navigate. I wish my body would tell me (lol) if my palpitations were from a
food allergy , additive, copper, histamine, detox, mag deficiency etc as there are so many possible causes for those adrenals to have a party!