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Copper / Histamine?
pynegj Views: 3,456
Published: 12 y

Copper / Histamine?

Hi all

Hope you are doing well

Something Ive been confused about for 2 years now since beginnning NB / copper detox / histadelia protocol is the following;

How do you know if high copper or histamine is causing the surge of adrenaline (and subsequent insomnia and other CNS arousal symptoms)?

I have spent periods focusing on high histamine and then copper as I believe I have a problem with both (through biounavailable copper). I have followed the forums for a long time and Laredos posts etc so I know the basics. Its just that it can be frustrating. Im sure 2 years on Im still detoxing copper (which causes CNS arousal amongst other weird and horrid symptoms as many of you know). Im pretty sure that copper detox causes most of my symptoms particualry when Im eliminating(!) a lot on those days. Also vit C intake and too much meat (zinc) precedes these symptoms.

BUT then again the meat (high histamine) could cause the problems. I think with me sneezing, itching is indicative of HISTAMINE but other than that sometimes its a guessing game depending on what I eat (copper and histamine causing emotional, vision,anxiety problems etc). If I then take vit C to reduce histamine then Im in danger of stimulating the adrenals more and dredging up more copper (see L.wilson).

Yes b6, methionine, salt water, calc & mag, zinc do help with both reducing copper and histamine BUT if I make the wrong prediction I end up in more trouble (as above). Hence 2 years on I still (as L. Wilson reccommends) avoid too much zinc and vitamin C.

many people seem (I may be wrong) to focus more on histamine than copper. I think copper is more of an issue. And shouldnt we see a reduction of the histamine problems if we balance our bodies and make copper bio available? Unless we are pyrolurics or have genetic histadelia of course.

Thoughts please/ Hope Ive been clear



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