Re: ✮ Could I have Parasites or Lyme disease?
Some people diagnosed with Lyme disease have similar set of symptoms.
Google Lyme disease. It is a bacterial infection.
Few things to do:
- forget all drinks that come from a bottle, forever.
- eliminate
Sugar from your diet
- eliminate vinegar from your diet
- eliminate all industrially processed foods and drinks from your diet
- eat just foods you made from scratch
- read allways ingredients on all the foods and drinks, even on foods that look like they are raw and natural, like for example raw meat. "Raw" meat available in Walmart is often loaded with chemicals, see the list of ingredients on the package.
- even flour sold at Walmart has a long list of ingredients, and is not just a pure, natural flour
You would be surprised to learn how many different chemicals are added into wine, beer and almost all other drinks available from a bottle.
healthy Diet and healthy lifetyle can help.
You may also try grapefruit seed extract, it is an
Antibiotic sold in health food stores.
Keep us posted about your progress.