Another possibility is that you have post-inflammatory adhesions that also get worse with fullness, external pressure and other. Thinking that something may become chronic is NEVER the right attitude. The right one is: I am going to beat this, even more: "I am healed". Either way, fasting can only help you. Fasting helps also for nerve disregulation. For the latter orthomolecular therapy, after the fast, with normal or mega-doses of vitamins (here Bvitamins, esp. B6 - which should not be taken for extend period, together with B3, B12 and B1 - for these you can go without restrictions) should be of great benefit. Drugs mask pain, they do not heal. See the movie link for free visioning, 3 days left!, I posted on this page. Try to always go 60% raw, or more, in a meal and always have plenty of fiber to push out stuff like meat and diary.