Re: Safest for parasite in neck
wow! I cannot belive how many people on this forum have these symptoms in different countries, which by the way are not tropical, and how the doctors don't have a clue about these worms and they simply classify "delusional parasite"...I don't know when will the medicine be able to evolve and to solve these cases, which are many.
I think that there is a transsmition of
parasite from mother to child...I have fasciola and schistosome
parasites (because I saw them in the toilett years ago, not because the doctors found them out, although I made a lot of blood, stool analysis, MRI, CT, ultrasound.....); and I felt them spreading in different areas of my body: first was the cheast, after the head, neck, spy, pelvic area, arms, legs, nose...and I belive that schistosome created little worms in the areas like neck and nose...I tried a lot of protocols, but, as somebody said on this forum, you must know when it's the perfect time to destroy them, you must feel when they are weaken and to make combinations...for ex, if you follow ICU's protocol with prazi & albenza, I suggest you to have in the house also ivermectin, doxycycline, artemisin and nitazoxanide; to start ICU's protocol, and, if you don't eliminate something in the first 2 days, in the third try to take also artemisin (around 3-4 depends on body weight), ivermectin (12 mg) and doxycycline and in the fourth day nitazoxanide, can make combinations of your own. I observed that I was very close to eliminate them with ICU's protocol and ivermectin, but I didn't use the good dose of ivermectin (I used 6 mg), I felt them a little bit sliping, but they got back...if I was using 12 mg of ivermectin, together with ICU's protocol (here, I'm talking about taking ivermectin in the second day of protocol), I was having luck, but it's not my case in the moment, and I'm still fighting and trying and making combinations...what I also observed is that you must leave a period of minimum 3 months between the treatments essays, to be shore that the drugs will have effect, if not, you keep trying and you don't succeed and the worms get resistant and you will no longer have variants to, try with ICU's protocol, but have in the house also ivermectin, artemisin, doxycycline, nitazoxanide and be prepare to take them if you don't have results the first 2 days of the, I have to wait a couple of months and I start over with the meds, and hope to eliminate them and to take them to the famous labs where I have been...I could sue the doctors in court...
sorry for the big novel over here guys,
good luck!!