Re: also...
Im not sure of his time of birth, but his date is June 12, 1978.
I would love to know what you find too....
We waited a little too long with my brother.... we didnt really understand enough about what was going on with him for the first couple of years... he lived in Vancouver... and we were in Ontario..... so by the time he had a full psychotic episode around us... he had already set in his on beliefs about what was happening to him...
I did get him to go to a naturopath.... who found really high levels of arsenic and low zinc and histamine levels... but my brother went into a psychosis and decided that the ND was trying to tamper with the test..... So he has been in and out of hospitals amd is currently moving from friends house to friends house.... just trying to get a job and stuff..... The saddest part is that he doesnt understand why no one will hire him. He thinks that his family hates him as well..... because we have all told him that he needs to go on least long enough so we can talk about the illness.... I feel so terrible for him...and really sad.... He is vegan and eats organic food.... but it is not enough.... Sometimes nutrition is not with mental ilness'
I have leaned a lot from Dr. Joan Larson, and from my own intution..... From what I understand mental illness requires biochemical repair.... that means different things for different people..... Like some people have a disorder where they constantly loose zinc and Vit. B6 in large amount because it gets pulled out by an abnormality in the blood..... I have this.. and as soon as I started supplimenting zinc (liquid) and b6 it took about 2 weeks and the anxiety and social anxiety, guilt and
Depression that I have had for most of my life became very minimal! I couldnt believe it! So there are a bunch of imbalances like that one the require orthomolecular medicine. This is also the best bet for schzitoprenics(sp?)..... but they also need to be closely followed by an ND...because of the severity of the illness.....
At Dr. Larsons clinic she had had peopel that have been in and out of mental wards for 20 years walk out symptom free and happy 3 months later! What a blessing, and a miracle! I have to go now.... I have an early shift..... but I have tons more to say..... because I really do think that there is a point when someone can be able to live illness free without the support of vitamins or suppliments... but I think that to get there people need the vitamins..and then there is a way to fully heal....
I will get back to this tomorrow!
Love, Yemaya