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Re: Nilstat is helpful for Candida, but also for diagnosing Candida
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Re: Nilstat is helpful for Candida, but also for diagnosing Candida

Hi there,

btw, I don't recommend Nystatin as a long term solution, but it's good as an indication that you have Candida and short term (a few years).

Also, please note that I recently found out why other Candida solutions didn't work for me, they actually react negatively to my body (found through O-ring testing/naturopath). It's possible that phyllium/bentonite is actually making things worse for you, like it was for me. If you find relief from it, great, otherwise ditch it if it isn't helping after 3 months!

I'm not sure how long the die off will continue, it probably depends on the person. My die off symptoms were short (2 weeks) but I was eating a very clean Candida diet at the time (no breads, no alcohol, no sugars, etc). I don't believe anti-fungals work at all unless you also have a clean diet.

To permanently get rid of Candida I did the following:

Regarding Candida, I really feel that starting with 1-2 months of fruitarian and some days of (water only) fasting were the keys to developing a healthy gut flora. The parasite cleanses, liver flushes, and clean Vonderplanitz diet were also keys.

Also, it's possible there is some toxicity in your life making the problem worse, such as mold, silver/mercury fillings.

Can't microwave food either.

Good luck.



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