daniel your lips look great! its almost like normal skin has grown back on some parts of the lips... firstly i would put it down to constant moisture and the steriod cream you use.. but thats my opinion... iv got a few quick questions...
1. what do you do with the white line/gunk that forms during the day? do you wipe it lick etc etc? as this is were most people have all the trouble and as i believe is the heart of the condition the inner art of the lips... f***ing hate that shit!
2.can you please take some photos when you lips are at there worse state during a week.. i.e the inner lips when they peel and what ever...
3. i would pressume your lips would sting as you peel and remove build up daily.. as your treatment would be more to manage the condition its looks like a great treatment...
4. in this picture you say straight out of the shower so you have no product on becasue i was going to say your lips aern't even shinny!