Re: L-Tyrosine breakthrough! (DOSAGE)
Prestonsmomma - really sorry for the difficulties you are having. I wanted t tell you a couple of thoughts:
1) ours brains are very resilient! even after "damage", the brain almost always finds a way,given some time, to re-achieve equilibrium once a herb/medicine is discontinued. I think this is the case with you.
2) Melatonin, from what I have read, is a very dangerous and powerful supplement and should be used cautiously - can lead to disrupted sleep pattern as well as depression.
3) Would only due the cleansing if/when you are feeling good, not during periods when you are having mental health problems/symptoms.
My suggestion to you is to stop all you medications (except the Klonopin for anxiety/panic attacks) and cleansing for 2 months. see how you feel at that time and try to hone in on what the major issues are - lethargy? Depression? Combination of both. Once you do this then you are in a better position to address each symptom e.g.) perhaps you have an undiagnosed sleep disorder which would account for some or all of your symtoms.
For me addressing the sleep apnea resulted in a 50-70% improvement. I then take Prozac and more recently added Abilify (lucky to have insurance) and these seem to have gotten me 80-90% there. I am now trying Tyrosine which seemed to help immensely when I first started it but seems to be wearing off. Soo...I'll be adding L-Tryptophan this week + B vitamin to see if I can get to 100%. Will let you know.
Again, if you have an underlying sleep disorder that is being unaddressed, prob. no amount of supps are going to help. Do others say you snore and/or stop breathing periodically when sleeping?