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Looking for a buddy/buddies for support while attempting to cure my chronic hives. I'll be tackling parasites/candida and leaky gut, anyone want to join me?
CrocodileDeathspin Views: 2,793
Published: 12 y

Looking for a buddy/buddies for support while attempting to cure my chronic hives. I'll be tackling parasites/candida and leaky gut, anyone want to join me?

Hello lovely people :)

I've been suffering from chrionic hives for about 7 years on and off. In all honesty, they're not that bad as they dont cover much of my body, but they're certainly not getting better. They get worse each time I have a flare up. So I'm determined to treat them now before they end up taking over my life.

My research has lead me to find out a number of things and a number of protocols which seem to have high success rates (paleo diets, vegan diets, candida diets, juice fasts etc). Although some of these seem like they are conflicting, they all point me to one root cause: leaky gut syndrome. I've read A LOT about this, and all of the above diets have factors which can help to heal it. On top of this it seems that a few conditions go hand in hand with LGS: candida and parasites.

My plan: I tried throwing myself in at the deep end a few months ago, but it was really tough, and combined with a lot of travel for work, it was unsustainable at the time. So now I am starting a new plan to seeme over the next few months:
1) parasite cleanse. This involves taking a variety of parasite cleansing herbs/colon cleansing herbs over the 2 months or so, whilst simultaneously making small changes to my diet to ease my into the next part (reducing caffeine to 0, reducing sugar, carbs, dairy, grains etc..)
2) A juice fast. I plan to do this in the new year, for at least 10 days but preferably for a month. This would be using only candida/LGS friendly ingredients. Sounds extreme, but fasting is fab for candida/LGS and if you've seen 'fat,sick and nearly dead' you will see how effective it can be for urticaria.
3) A strict candida/LGS diet for as long as possible, before reintroducing a few foods when I feel it's the right time (I'm hoping a month or two on this will be enough after the juice fast)
4) A sustainable everyday diet for the rest of my life to futureproof my health. This would be mostly paleo/LGS/candida friendly but not so strict (paleo is so expensive!!)

I would really like a buddy (or two) to join me on this. I have a very supportive partner, but there's only so much he can stand listening to me. I'm more likely to stick to it if I have someone to check in with, and someone I should feel guilty to if I slip up.

So if anyone has been thinking of starting something like this, but they're not sure where to start, or they want support, why don't you join me? I'm happy to explain all my thinking behind the different steps of the process, and happy to hear your thoughts (I'm more than happy to be proved wrong!!)

Let me know :)


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