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Re: Chronic BV, so sick and tired of this!!!
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Re: Chronic BV, so sick and tired of this!!!

Hello, I'm so sorry to hear you suffer. I too suffered for years. Back and forth to the Obgyn. It is baffling to me that the doctors haven't been able to fix this when so many women suffer. I have lived for 2 years now free of this burden after almost 5 years of the bv nightmare. What I did was simple. And cost effective. probiotics are the answer. But its the particular ones you need. First. You have to clear your body of the infection. I used 2 weeks of clindamycin. During that time I started a regiment of the following.
Folic acid
cranactin (cranberry supplement)
Vitamin D
And most importantly the specific probiotic
"natures way primadophilus reuteri"
They sell it in the refrigerated section of the "vitamin shop" its $10.99 for a months supply. The specific probiotics your body needs are the "lactobacillus rhamnosus" "lactobacillus reuteri" and "lactobacillius acidophilus". You can order it on line. It has changed my life. I've given this information to 6 other personal friends and they all have had the same results. IT WORKS. Its natural. And inexpensive. Good luck to you. All the other things like douching and rephresh only upset your pH balance. Just stick with the probiotics. That was the only change I made in my lifestyle. And it worked.


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