Re: Chronic BV, so sick and tired of this!!!
Did the doctor do any testing to determine what imbalances you have?
I just looked at an organic acids test (OAT) and stool test from a young female member of a heavy metal chelation group. She has a long list of symptoms. This is her hair test with symptom list.
She is trying to determine if heavy metals might be a cause or contributing factor.
Six months ago I mentioned this possibility to you.
I just happened to followup on that post and noticed your recent post.
HMs, especially mercury affect the immune system. Many chelation group members have immune system problems and most have symptoms of endocrine system problems--thyroid, adrenals, and/or problems with pituitary control of them.
I foolishly waited 15+ years for my doctor to do something about my strange, seemingly unrelated list of symptoms. My life got messed up--relationships, career, etc. There was no Internet when I got sick so my options for gaining information were limited. I hope you get to the bottom of it soon.
Best regards,