I am very happy for you and your family, and me to. I take a soup spoon of raw hemp seeds and wash down with water. Very nutritious, You have added to my arsenal of natural cures. I have not counted them but it has to be at least twenty or more to cure cancer and the many ways to prevent cancer. I cannot treat anybody, and I have no training. Ha, I do have the internet. If tried to treat, the medical mafia would come on me or anyone else like ton of bricks . They already prosecute and persecute doctors who step out of the box and try to do 'the right thing’! I can only doctor myself, and point a direction for people togo and inform and treat themselves. Many doctor/scientist are saying almost all ills and disease is nutritional and exercise.
'exercise’? Yes! Oxygen is a nutrient and can prevent and cure diseases. Don’t believe? Do a research, 'cancer oxygen’ ...dez...