The baking soda cure is being validated by some universities. It stops metastasis in mice. The researchers didn't use maple syrup or any Sugar so the primary tumor would absorb the solution though.
Here is the PubMed Doc:
"Bicarbonate Increases Tumor pH and Inhibits Spontaneous Metastases"
I did do vitamin C infusion when I had my cancer. Although I don't think it stopped the tumor, it did make me much stronger and handle the chemo much better. Chemo was terrible without it . Thought the chemo would kill me before the cancer had a chance to. Also, I now take Protocel as a precautionary supplement. I also drink baking soda and water regularly. Research documents done by a couple universities found that cancer seems to migrate to the most acidic locations in your body. I could locate this research doc too if you want. Good luck and Godspeed on your journey.