Im 28 years old from Canada. I did the spit test for Candida and it was cloudy and very stringy. I didnt believe it so I ignored it. I had a very poor diet of constant junk food, Pizza especially. For years ive had really poor diet. It all started with Migraine like symptoms, Pain behind the eys and Headaches that come and go. I thought nothing of it tried to sleep it off and nothing. I went to my doctor and he prescribed me Anti biotics for a sinus infection because my nose was always stuffy. After this didnt work, I was perscribed a 2nd round, Didnt work. After that i was perscribed a 3rd round, stronger then the other two. I was feeling ok until I was done the Anti biotics. After that things progressivly got worst. The pain behind the eyes and headaches were stronger, Muscle and joint pain were very apperant accompanied with Anxiety, Depression, Foggy Vision and blurry, unclear thoughts. Now my concern is this. Im doing the CANDIGONE cleanse. And since ive been taking it, A LOT of my symptoms have gone away. But I am still really scared. I cry at night because I am so scared that its done really bad damage. I still get get muscle and joint aches and the occasional headaches. Im only about 6-7 days in into the cleanse. Do symptoms improve more and more each day? And does it get worst before it gets better?