Sorry it took me so long to respond.
The problems with bread is not only
Sugar but GMO.
Genetically Modified foods are basically these three subsidized by the government so its in everything conventional and main brands etc..
These cause digestive issues so if you are already having problems from your digestive track out of balance then you should try Sprouted Grain Breads, Rice is too sweet so try other grain breads.
I didn't eat anything
Sugar forming.
I ate all organic steamed veggies, brown rice with garlic and organic chicken, beef, or veggie broths.
I ate green apples, grate fruits, lemons, limes, free range organic chicken.
The idea is to eliminate and substitute things.
So if your going to eliminate dairy (mucous forming) then you would drink hemp milk instead. For Calcium you can eat steamed Kale or juice it.
Its about maximizing your intake of vitamins and minerals but when you are starting out you need to rebuild the digestion and feel and listen to what you body is telling you.
I volunteer on curezone but i can help you and personalize a meal plan and supplements to rebuild your digestion.
Let me know if this interests you.
There are many products that are of good quality but first thing is get back to nature and eat basic. Don't eat processed foods, don't eat GMO, and drink filtered water.
Invest in a water filter for you home.
Its a process it is hard work but you have to want to be healthy.
Our bodies are amazing and they can do what they are designed to do if we give it what it needs.
New Diet, Rebuild, Kill yeast, flush, replenish, Repeat
Its a process.
Your malnourished. Optimum nutrition and balance is what keeps us healthy and American diet isn't helping.
Instead of
Genetically-Modified-Organisms nasty foods, Replace with healthy whole foods that are complete in nutrition.
Feed to nourish instead of Eating to Taste.
Think CELLS- Think of chemical reactions in the body.
Think of Earth and the Eco System and how it all connects.
Connect to our environment and be aware of your body.
Its a HOLISTIC: Mind, Body, Spirit, Social, Emotional health.
Breath deeply in nature and get out of the material consumer rat race and breath again. Feel your body and nourish it.
I hope this helps.