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Re: Good and Sick for 2.5 years, finally start ALA- no explosions
thismustbetheplace Views: 1,493
Published: 12 y
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Re: Good and Sick for 2.5 years, finally start ALA- no explosions

I am taking ALA with DMSA. I would not take ALA alone because it doesn't have a good rate of clearing the metals and it might just redistribute stuff. I don't think I have mercury poisoning luckily. Just nickel. I think that is easier to chelate. If you are in school, you should look up chelation on the databases. I am using a protocol that I made up myself based on case reports of nickel chelation which goes by mg/kg and morbidity and mortality rates. I don't think the cutter protocol works for my case. I am taking vitamin c and coq10. I am also having to take l-methylfolate because I found out from 23andme that I have a MTHFR mutation which is why my metals get high in the first place. You might go through that and see if you have that. Also, I can't get diagnosed with celiac but do have it. My tests are negative because i have been gluten free for so long. I am not willing to eat gluten to make the test postive - especially for three months. Found out I have HLA=DQ8 from 23andme which is highly associated with celiac


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