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Re: What kind of worms could this be?
beatty57 Views: 954
Published: 12 y
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Re: What kind of worms could this be?

Epazote! Very potent, has been years since I had pin worms. See 'herbals epazote’ for complete information and usage, follow with fresh clove to kill the eggs.There are hundreds of parasites, and all most as many remedies. They have plagued man and animals for centuries. A broad spectrum parasite and insect killer, used in animal husbandry for many years is animal/human grade, diatomaceous earth. Many agricultural and garden supply stores carry in 40-50 pound bags at less than 75 cents a pound, also some health food stores and online. It is a natural mineral from the skeletal remains of a marine animal. For malaria it seems best to attack on four fronts, with herbal, minerals, nutrients and vitamins.That way gets the immune system involved. A tough fighter, enemy when properly fortified, is the immune. Also so neutralizes, poisons drugs and toxins. Most diseases, parasites, fungus, yeast's thrive on starches and processed sugars. Few doctors seem to know much about parasites and the drugs prescribed, toxic. As always, do the research. My old logging would say, ’do something even if its wrong. ...dez...


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