12 y
Re: A source that says cheilosis is contagious (?)
I personally feel 100% sure this ailment is contagious.
I am a single woman, and continued dating as I normally would, after contracting this ailment and thinking it was gone. It was not gone, it just was under the surface - it had NO cracks whatsoever. Nobody could see anything at all on my face... for that matter, I couldn't really see any problem either. I just had a little irritated skin.
Although had NO cracks at all, I passed this one to 2 different boyfriends in 2 years.
I later iterated these stories to my Dermatologist, who is not only private practice, but also a leading professor at a highly respected medical school, one of the best in the country in fact.
He concurred that although it's generally thought of that AC is not contagious, it is a fungal infection, and can be passed on just like any other fungal infection.
Personally, I also contracted this ailment after an evening of intimacy with a relatively new boyfriend. I didn't even know what it was... I thought it was dry skin for a few months... then I finally googled it.
3 years later, I still cannot get it to go away!