Look, honestly, I'm probably old enough to be your mot...
I mean, to be your slightly older aunt, so listen to Auntie here. :-)
I must tell you that you cannot stop your life due to this lip thing.
I don't know how bad your lips look, but I am guessing that they are acceptable within the wide realm of possible human appearances.
Have you seen just how odd some people look? Honestly. We are way more attractive than that. :-)
The wheres and whyfores of who gets romantic with whom is complex, and of course not just about surface issues.
Sometimes I used to sit on the subway and think - "How did that person get a date, how did THAT woman get a husband, but I don't have a boyfriend? This is crazy!"
And it WAS crazy. That was before I had this cheilosis, but it doesn't matter.
My point is -- if you were kissing a girl last week, and she was remotely cognizant of what was going on (not dead drunk, which I'm sure she wasn't), that means that she liked you at that moment in time. She liked you then, and she probably would like to see you again.
I'd say that there is a 75% chance that you are hurting her feelings by withdrawing from her now. You are appearing to be rejecting her by not wanting to see her again. Now, maybe she just meant for it to be some fun, just meant to have a one-night-kissing-session thing, but I doubt it.
I've had a lot of guys who were maybe a little sensitive, a little shy, act like they liked me a lot one minute, and then scurry away and act like they didn't want to see me again ever after. It's hurtful, and confusing. You often wonder if it's something about you that they don't like, but after you get older, you realize that probably it was something about THEM, some roadblock they ALLOWED to be in their path, out of some kind of fear or self-sabotage or whatever.
New, great girls don't come around everyday. You might go years without finding someone you like, who likes you.
Don't let a teeny fit of flaking skin shut down your life, stunt your self-confidence.
Don't lose out on the possible relationships that life, fate, God, however you call it, has given you at the present moment.
You have got to get out there and be in the world, live a full life, face the world with the certain knowledge that you are likely better off health-wise than most people, at least as good-looking as the average person, and really special on the inside.
People are sometimes more forgiving of flaws or medical issues than we might expect them to be. Everyone has medical issues and weaknesses. Some of these issues are more hidden than others.
You can explain this issue pretty simply, and I imagine if the other person likes you for genuine reasons, he/she won't be very bothered by it.
This forum is FULL of guys who are married and say that their wives never worried about their lips, or who say they finally told a girlfriend with total trepidation about this condition and found out the girl had never noticed anyway, and it wasn't such a big deal to her.