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Re: Please help! Always wake up and can't back to sleep almost 2 weeks.
Blistering Fate Views: 1,340
Published: 12 y
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Re: Please help! Always wake up and can't back to sleep almost 2 weeks.

"If you wake up in the middle of night, and can t get back to sleep, that s a sign that your adrenals are fried, burnt out. You see, when we are sleeping our cells are working. Our cells need glucose to live. That s the job of cortisol, to tell the liver to keep glucose going to the cells. If the cortisol isn t working, the body says ‘hey guys we need sugar”. Well if your cortisol levels are very low, your body will go into the emergency mode, and go to the adrenal medulla ( the inner adrenal ), which secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine. It s like the fireman breaking the glass to get to the fire extinguisher. When that gets secreted your blood Sugar goes up, you wake up, and now you have an adrenaline rush. You can t go back to sleep. This is what happens in third degree adrenal stress, adrenal burn out and adrenal fatigue."

And //


Hope this helps. It helped me.


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