Lack of desires, apathy and lots of anxiety and tension.
this is my fist post on this forum.
I'm a 28 year old men
Since three years ago I have been having problems and I can't figure out what I have.
I notice that every time I prove emotions, even positive (excite) I star to have neck tightness and light sensitivity.
I sweat underarm even if I don't do any activity, and I have a inner tension that seems to explode.
Ofter I have an underground of racing thought (when I have anxiety), like "I have to do this and this", "If I don't remember…", "If I did mistake…" or a music that plays in loop (the last one I listen).
I have a good improvement with magnesium and vitamin D, but anxiety is still present.
All the problems started three years ago, I started to be very tired than, one day, I have a panic attack and a chronic hives that last for 1 year.
I can't find the pleasure from things, I have expressionless face.
After I read about adrenal fatigue, I ask you if my problem can be connected to my condition because I'm perfectionist and push me to the limit.
Otherwise, is depression? Or bipolar disorder?
I can't be happy because when I think about happiness, suddenly a negative thought starts.
I can't be calm because I start to think about anxiety and then I become anxious.
The problem worsen when I have to do works (I'm easily fatigued).
I'm Italian, sorry for my Enlish.
Can someone help me, please?