What's the highest dosage for SSKI
What's the max
SSKI dose that you, or someone you know, have taken consistently, day to day?
I am currently at 6 grams/day, but I am having the urge to take more. I was thinking of creeping up to 12 just to see what it's like.
At this current dose, I finally got stinky armpits and urine. The
Acne has subsided a bit...I am getting ones with and without whiteheads.
Detox does seem to come in layers. Not sure if this darn bromide is jammed up in me and saturated to my core, because it sure is taking a lot of
SSKI to dig through them layers, it doesn't want to let go!
I've stopped the
Lugols over the past several weeks, but I am adding it back in. My alcohol cravings came back during the time I removed it, so back it goes!
I have hyperthyroid symptoms, and this is one of the reasons for the high
SSKI . So far, none of the symptoms have corrected much. Still fast heart rate, inability to gain weight/weight loss, diarrhea. Hoping something comes from it in a positive direction.