Thank you so much Water. Wow! What a wealth of information. It is so great to have it organized in one place. I know I can find something out of all that that I can show to my brother. He doesn't seem too capable of concentrating too much since he has been diagnosed. I need to look for something that is short enough and maybe testimonial type. There sure is a lot there. I didn't know that 'One Answer to Cancer' was available online.
My niece told me tonight that her cousin's husband took chemo for a while, but he stopped b/c he thought it was worse than the disease. She said that she wasn't going to tell my brother. I asked why and she said, "I wouldn't want to cause him to dread it." How ridiculous is that? I will sure tell him. It may not cause him to opt out of it, but it will let him know that he can quit after starting and I will have the peace of mind that I didn't withhold anything from him.
Thanks loads for all your collections of knowledge.