Re: Feeling Completely Hopeless
Hmm. I have some suggestions. :)
I agree that going on a gluten-free diet could help. I didn't even fart for a long time after that, when it was horrendously awful any time I had wheat and/or milk for a while before that. However, I don't think a gluten-free diet is a long-term solution. At least, it wasn't for me. It may have been good for odor, but not for sanity.
So, I made more discoveries.
1. Get a zapper! I'd recommend either the 30khz one at (or better yet, their Z4eX) or the one they sell at (which is likely weaker, but it takes less power from the battery). After using a zapper for a while, my feces didn't smell like anything, at first. That was really wild. I didn't smell anything gas-wise, either, but I wasn't having problems with it before that. Nevertheless, I'm positive this would help. I've heard decent things about the Terminator 2 zapper, too.
2. Minerals. Try zinc picolinate and boron picolinate, and especially diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth will likely help you more than just about anything. Taking diatomaceous earth helped me so that I didn't need the gluten-free diet.
3. If you have
Body Odor , try fenugreek. Just take a little bit on your tongue every day. It's great internal deodorant.
4. Oil pulling. It couldn't hurt. Give it a try. It helps digestion. Oil pulling while zapping seems more effective. I wouldn't doubt if you weren't digesting oil properly. This could be contributing to your problem, and to not utilizing minerals and other nutrients properly. Oil pulling, I'm sure, would help there. Just swish oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes, spit it out outside and wipe out your mouth (ideally, maybe brush your teeth afterward). They recommend Sesame oil or expeller pressed sunflower seed oil. Any oil should be better than nothing, though (but people will tell you to avoid all the oils they think are bad for you, and maybe they're right, but in my experience, I can't verify it either way).
5. Consider going on an Asian rice-free diet. Some Asian rice has more mercury than fish. This is a recent discovery. Why is this important for you? Because mercury blocks enzymes needed to digest wheat gluten and milk casein, and if you don't digest it properly, it's likely going to smell bad. Plus, mercury is generally regarded as very bad for you. Anyway, I noticed improvements to my health after I stopped eating rice all the time. I used to think it was the best thing in the world, but I think that's only if you don't eat wheat or milk. Rice is a whole lot easier to go easy on than wheat and milk, by the way. You don't have to all-out give up rice, though. Just go really easy on it, especially Chinese rice, Thai rice and all that Asian rice. I'm sure some Asian rice is fine, but I'd avoid it for the duration of the experiment. I haven't even been eating American rice, myself. But, it may be fine. I don't know if American rice was even tested in the study, actually.