Re: Are Short Fasts Pointless ?
wow. well--hydrogen peroxide is a longtime 'healer'
of plant fungus, etc. . . .
If the doctor within (one's own self) suggests it in a strong way, I might listen. I'd have to feel an inner call--something that went past all outer voices. That is, you 'fall back' on your own knowing, as it were, but you probably know that, ans wer elooking for an opnion of enough strength to
tip your own 'gut feeling'. So, hey-- maybe so. Let us know what You decide. Such a radical idea, in terms of the "water only " fast--and in the context of 'now', it has some validity. Thank you for asking...
I can't help but feel that it's (TRULY) all about what You
believe and have faith and trust in, etc. May you be 'well-informed'. sincerely. :-)
best wishes!