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Holidays were created by Hallmark Card company
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Holidays were created by Hallmark Card company

Holidays were created by the Hallmark card company.

Can you guess why?

100 to 200 to 300 million cards sold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and more times a year, at $2.50 a card, that's 400 million to 1.2 billion or more annual income for the owners of Hallmark Card Company.

A few hundred million to a billion plus dollars a year hallmark card company makes so people can say strange, mushy or soppy things to each other without having to write the mushy stuff themselves. see yahoo NYSE stockmarket boards, annual income report for Halmark Card Company to get the exact dollar amount Hallmark Card Company makes from promoting and creating more holidays every year.

Many people who get and give hallmark cards, bite each other right after the holiday, birthday etc is over. Humans are funny creatures. With 6 billion humans running around earth, anyone would have a hard time figuring out what all thier different motives are. I think some humans are predictable, like breeds of dogs are predictable. Dobermans and rottweliers are known as a breed to turn on and attack thier owners and other humans, so I am careful around dobermans and rottweilers. Also only sick or rabid male dogs will attack female dogs, in nature, healthy male dogs only fight with other male dogs and never attack female dogs, only a sick, tapeworm or mite infected-mange, male dog will attack a female dog in nature. Even dogs are affected by parasites and need regular deworming.

A vetranarian told me most 'healthy' dogs will not attack a human, with the exception of the rottweiler and doberman. Both breeds are known for suddenly attacking and dog mauling thier owners and will also, without cause or warning, attack even a vet. The vet told me they would not turn thier backs on a doberman or a rottweiler, same could be said for some humans.



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