Re: god bless mh and brenda. please read my thoughts...
I read an online pdf report by an md that measured skin debris in public gyms , in a public gym jacuzzi each human sheds up to 1/4 cup of dead skin cells, skin waste, fecal matter and skin debris.
A public swimming pool would not be much better.
Then I read a report that pig tapeworms, and other tapeworms, dog, cat tapeworms cause open sores, 'cysticercosis', sores on the skin. Infected pigs have these tapeworm sores on skin and so do humans have tapeworm open sores, cysts on thier skin, also calcified cysts, tumors, soft cysts filled with tapeworm larvae on and in the body, cancerous cysts and cystic diseases. NOT good to swim with people who kiss tapeworm infected cats and dogs, eat pork and have open sores. When I saw a dad blow his nose in the crowded public swimming pool and teach his son to do same, I said "enough"! No more public swimming pools.
I do not kid myself, to think I am missing anything by no longer indulging in vague sentimentalism and dangerous short sighted emotionalism of fun in public pools, barnyards and zoos. I see them as contaminated public pools, contaminated barnyard fairs and infectious environments, rife with zoonotic diseases, animal parasite diseases, in the people, environment, food AND thier animals. INFECTIOUS CONTAGIOUS PARASITIC DISEASE carriers are no fun to co-mingle with. Tapeworm infected people, cats, dogs, horses, pigs etc, being the worst to be exposed to.
I am done swimming with the cysticercosis shedding people. Would any of you like to co mingle your body fluids with everyone you see on the bus? That's what happens in public pools and gym jacuzzi spas.
I also do not kid myself to think my immune is so great that I can afford to co-mingle body fluids and expose myself to the tapeworm cyst stages, eggs and larvae shed by infected people, infected animals and infected environments. Why risk the exposure is my reasoning.
That is why millionaires move to the country and build big fences. They know the great masses of people no longer DEWORM and DEPARASITIZE themselves.
I made your anti plague formula chiron, THANK YOU, it is great. Tapeworms hate garlic, onions, pickles, salted fish, etc. I also take pumpkin seeds daily as pumpkin seeds kill tapeworms. H. Clark has a mopup program for tapeworms, L- cysteine and ozinated oil, a 3 week program, see parasite forum for mop up program.
I am furious that a sick siamese cat was dumped on me by a family member. I have to work twice as hard to keep a cat worm free. I now feel people who dump cats and dogs on others take advantage of them and play on 'sentimentalism' and do not think of the infectious disease , tapeworm stage transmission and health consequences of keeping animals indoors with humans. Animals belong in barns NOT under roof with humans.
Now I know why mds wear MASKS around people. The mds KNOW what kind of creepy tapeworms stages people and thier pets shed. Read up on 'infectious diseases' 'cysticeriosis' as keywords. Learn what the smart mds and microbiologists know.
Learn why many mds in hospitals wear masks and run out of patients rooms after doing fast and brief 1 minute rounds. Most mds wash thier hands more often then lady macbeth. MDs go near sick people only because the mds have easy acess to a huge supply of antiparasitic drugs they can take immediatly at nominal cost to them after work or on the job exposures.
I am very grateful for all our deworming info, MH' dewormer, the cloves, male fern, spices, herbs, gbw, etc. etc. I do not want to be drawn back into the suffering and diseases parasites cause all humans. If I could live in a bubble I would, a sterile bubble. Since that is not a realistic option for me I will just avoid contagions and keep a lot of alkaloids and dewormer on hand. Pomegramme skin and seeds contain lots of alkaloids, they are also good for killing tapeworms, boil and make a tea or grind into powder. MH is lucky, he has an endless supply of dewormer. When the rest of the world learns to deworm again then I will swim in a public pool and comingle body fluids and shedded skin and waste with all the dewormed people. Until then my bath tub is the only place I care to swim.
Good Luck everyone. Stay healthy and parasite free.