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Autism and maternal iodine levels/thyroid health
Here is an excerpt from an interesting article I came across today when reading research about autism (I work with children with autism):
“A large-scale study shows mothers with low-producing thyroid glands are four times more likely to have autistic children...It is increasingly apparent to us that autism is caused by environmental factors in most cases, not by genetics...Researchers say the most common cause of thyroid deficiency is a shortage of
Iodine in the diet...If you are planning to become pregnant, have your doctor measure urine
Iodine and thyroid function beforehand”
Having worked in the field of autism treatment for over 10 years, I have an interesting perspective on family and environmental factors of people with autism. Over the past few years, my theory has shifted to emphasis on environment more than genetics as a cause.
As a woman with low-producing thyroid and fertility problems (no children yet, multiple pregnancy losses, one of which was complicated) I was very interested in this.
The article is good for giving press to the importance of iodine, unfortunately it still lacks quality info about the severity of
Iodine deficiency.
If you are interested in reading more, the full article can be read here: