"Mothers taking a minimum of 12mg
Iodine a day can expect BRILLIANT babies"...
Yes, we've certainly seen that on this forum, haven't we?
All newborns are tested for congenital hypothyroidism. Another possible outcome of
Iodine supplementation of 12+ mg per day is that the baby will be diagnosed hypothyroid and put on thyroid meds. We've also seen THAT at this forum. Please search warthog's posts.
My personal opinion is that the testing is not accurate. My personal opinion is that cases of hypo when the mom is supping
Iodine are transient hypo. But I have no way of proving that, and if a baby is diagnosed hypo the parents have NO CHOICE but to give the baby the meds.
I would like to see some dialogue on congenital hypothyroid testing. Because until THAT process is corrected, we can expect to see more diagnoses of hypo in babies of moms that supplement high doses. And 12mg is an extremely high dose compared to the current RDA of 250mcg for pregnant women.
I think that it's extremely important to put all the info out there. Do not let your enthusiasm temper good judgement.
I'm kind of tired of always being the one that reminds everyone of warthog's experiences. It may seem as though I do not believe in the power of iodine. That is not so.