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Re: Do you have shortness of breath?
purplepixie Views: 3,435
Published: 12 y
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Re: Do you have shortness of breath?

Great info've prompted me to look into buteyko more. I've found breathing exercises in general really hard to do.

When a wee sprite over 15 yrs ago, a blood test revealed low blood oxygen...the nurse said to me - "perhaps you want to go to the doctor about that" and i ignored it as i didn't understand at the time what it really meant, and she didn't make it sound as if it was something important.

Questionaire 43, CP of 8. I guess i've a way to go! (i really don't like holding my breath)

When i do abdominal breathing exercises for suggested relaxation i've tested my BPM and BP while doing them. Abdominal breathing causes BPM to really increase...and BP to decrease, which is already low anyway, so i never feel good doing controlled breathing, it increases the dizziness, light-headedness of already low BP.
So i feel like i go round in circles trying to relax with breath-work but end up feeling worse for it.

These days i've opted more for just breathing as naturally as i need to...focus on the breath, not control it...and i find that relaxing.

Did you notice any changes while starting buteyko with your own BP and BPM? Is it a case of feeling worse before feeling the benefits of it?


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