success stories like this that happen after an establishment-type has decreed a situation supposedly "impossible" are becoming my favorite type of stories.
Here is one I found recently, the story of the "Professor". I'll excerpt just the section on the Professor as it ('gangrene') is part of a larger (much larger) essay ('medical racket') that can be found at this link -
PS - the surgeons reaction "The surgeon told him to his face that this hospital has NEVER SEEN a human survive this much drug/treatment and it was impossible to be cured of the disease and even more impossible to do so in such a short time and declared the pastor as miracle" ......... is an example of what is known as "congnitive dissonance", (when a firsthand experience conflicts and contradicts with one or more of a person's engrained beliefs) something that all of us have likely experienced at one time or another, something also covered in the full version of this essay. Typical reaction to cognitive dissonance is denial, using one's mind to try to convince itself that it's eyes did not really see what it really saw, or it's ears did not really hear what they really heard. Untypical reaction happens when a person accepts this kind of situation for what it is, and in the process they learn some new and very meaningful knowledge that in turn helps them to revise and update their previous beliefs.
Thanks for this "the impossible can happen" story.
As an example, Mr. Professor developed diabetes in the 1960s. It ran in his family, and America’s industrialized diet, environment and sedentary lifestyle (Americans are history’s most sedentary and obese people) makes it the world's capital for heart disease, cancer, diabetes and a host of degenerative diseases (with new ones catalogued regularly), where the body self-destructs.
Mr. Professor's doctor in Ventura County had diabetes, and advertised himself as an "alternative" diabetes practitioner. Diabetics often lose their legs because their disease destroys the blood circulation. The feet, then the legs, are usually the first to go. In about 1990, with the stress of the Ventura events contributing, Mr. Professor’s feet began turning black, as were his calves, with pits forming on his skin. His "alternative" doctor said that Mr. Professor’s legs were exhibiting the first signs of gangrene. He said that the condition was irreversible, that he could do some things (involving drugs, of course) to slow the progress, but Mr. Professor would have his legs amputated one day, perhaps soon.
Meanwhile, Mr. Professor’s wife had developed severe allergies in the 1960s. She was so highly allergic to nearly everything that she became a prisoner in her own home. Driving to the store would expose her to so many environmental toxins that she would be incapacitated for days. After many years of going to one orthodox specialist after another, none of whom were able to help her, although they would prescribe the awesomely expensive "treatments" vended by the pharmaceutical industry, Mrs. Professor eventually began investigating alternative treatments.
During Mrs. Professor’s research, she eventually connected with the alternative medical field, and when the doctor pronounced his sentence on Mr. Professor’s legs, she said, "We’re going to Mexico." They spent a few weeks at a Mexican clinic while Mr. Professor was treated. Mr. Professor had chelation therapy, a blood treatment that has also been largely driven from the United States, in the standard medical gangster style. After a few weeks of treatment, the condition of Mr. Professor’s legs was completely reversed, and the gangrenous condition disappeared. There were not even any scars on his legs. It was as if he never had gangrene. He had new legs and feet. According to today’s orthodox medical doctrine, reversing gangrene in that fashion is impossible. Mr. Professor was living proof of the “impossible."
Mr. Professor went back home and visited his "alternative" doctor. As the doctor examined Mr. Professor’s legs, he could not believe his eyes. "These aren’t the legs I saw a few weeks ago. It is a miracle! The state I saw your legs in is impossible to reverse. What in God’s name happened?!" Mr. Professor began his response with, "Well, my wife and I went to Mexico…" That was all the "alternative" doctor needed to hear. "Mexico?!" he shrieked. He ran out of the room, nearly holding his head in his hands. He did not want to hear any more, even when he saw its “impossible” results. He was genuinely afraid to hear any more.