Brother Jimmy's church decided to help a pastor in Austraila that they have never seen. He had said he had 60 days to live and had advanced Leukemia. At time we had no idea that he had done medical, so I said leukemia is the simplest of cancers to recover from and they said lets give it a try.
Jimmy and his church senior pastor Brother Veil paid for the herb kit ans paid for the shipping, if I remember the shipping alone was over $100 each time. They sent a total of 2 kits free of all charge. This was the Lower Bowel Balance, De-Wormer, Lecithin formula, Kidney Cleanse and the Spices 4 Life.
They received a call this morning fro Austrailia:
It seems this pastor was ashamed to admit he had already went through 50 treatments of chemo. I have found that 90+% of all people seeking herbs refuse to tell the truth about their past operations and drug use, sex abuse, etc.
His surgeon gave him a max of 60 days to live, knowing no one can live past 60 days with the amount of chemo and drugs that were prescribed.
Today this pastor is 100% cured in the words of his surgeon, all blood work shows a normal human with zero signs of any damage from chemo or past cancer, etc., etc.
The surgeon told him to his face that this hospital has NEVER SEEN a human survive this much drug/treatment and it was impossible to be cured of the disease and even more impossible to do so in such a short time and declared the pastor as miracle.
What did Brother Jimmy instruct this pastor to do:
This pastor had ZERO herb experience, NEVER consumed a vitamin or any other product but the 2 free kits ( this was a cool test) He was instructed (via me telling Jimmy) to eat nothing that had its life by blood ( as instructed by the BIBLE). Jimmy wanted to tell him no white flour, no white sugar, no white salt, but didn't want to scare the pastor from doing the program, because some people refuse to go the far in the begining.
Needless to say, Brother Veil and Brother Jimmy are delighted with their efforts to help another human 1/2 way around the world. Jimmy asked Brother Veil how this miracle happened so fast and he gave the correct answer that DR.John R. Christopher always gave; First Prayer and then the herbs to be used as an instrument.
Lets take it a step outside the circle;
Who is this pastor in Australia???? What part is he playing in the act??? Was God using him to enlighten Brother Jimmy??? Or was Brother Jimmy and Brother Veil lead to give this stranger a helping hand????? We will never know. W
hat we do know is now the FIRE IS LIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brother Jimmy is on FIRE!!!! He is a walking testimonie that is packing his bag with testimonies coming back from the outreach of helping others.
It seems Brother Veil age 90+ is the senior advisor for thousands of pastors in this church and what he says is as good as gold to all the other pastors and Brother Veil has been putting his stamp of approval on the Pre-Kit and Spice 4 Life method from the get go and now they are on Fire with this medical backed testimony.
The spice 4 life being a very complicated formula takes time to make, so now Jimmy's back order is 10 gallons and thats before he is about to spread the word about the pastor from Austraila.... He originally stated that giving a sample of spice 4 life to the pastors of the churches could lead to thousands wanting the product, each church having probably at least 80+ people and the few that try it, then tell their familys, etc., etc.
I have always said this particular herb product had huge potential as a commercial product. Being a spice type of product most likely it would not raise too many eye brows to be sold commerically , etc. I suppose what could be done is to create a commercial book based on the original history of the Amish Healer leading up to me taking it and modifying with Christopher type herbs, etc. A big time author bought and paid for like Dr. Morton Walker as example to put out a 150 page small book for $5.95 like the Olive Leaf Book and disribute by the millions and then the customers would scour the internet to find such a product and herb stores would seek to buy by the case, etc., etc. and before you know it you would need a huge 4 million dollar building to produce and distribute.
In all a company would have allot of Millions invested to take any product to mass production and probably reap millions back quickly, yet risk it all by having the ama complain to the ftc/fda that the product has reduced the trillions coming into the local hospitals and uncle sam complain too many are on s.s. and before you know it drug thugs (ftc/fda) pay a scientist to state the product is harmful and the company is raided, shut down and all product taken to the dump and destroyed.
Does this sound crazy? Not really, a common story in the USA in the past 60 years. Even the simple water used from a spring for the orange juice fasting was declared poison once the famous MD passed on and no one was left to Fight such lies and the past is quickly burried by the use of drugs.
SO the spice 4 life that was born via this forum continues, its growth is excelerating,its the only product that I personally make that I have ever not been able to make enough of, it take so many herbs and is so rich and so thick and still surprises me.
As I continue making this batch, I have plenty of ideas on how I am going to improve the next batch, it may be another year before the final formula is settled on. The De-Wormer Formula has not changed (much) for 5 years now, but the way it is made has gotten better and better. What I make today is superior to what I made 2 years ago and so it will be with the Spices 4 Life. Each day brings new ideas, each day a step forward. Still all done by hand, so most would say "primitive". Maybe touch of hand is more important that touch of cold steel/machines???? Maybe we all need Brother Veil to say a little Prayer????? I guess there exist a web site that has many of the 1,200 sermons Brother Veil preached when he was younger, I have never seen the web site, but could find it. I guess it wasn't his idea, but another did it because they(sermons) moved him to do so.
Odds are Brother Jimmy is going to open the flood gates, even crazy, if people know they have to wait on the spice 4 life, it will make them want it even more!!!!!Sounds like work ahead!!!!