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Re: UPDATE: Test results
MrBaker Views: 2,932
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Re: UPDATE: Test results


didn't do liver detox test, but I'd like to do it. I did Metametrix Triad test four years ago. Back then, I was not aware of BO but it was there.

Anyway, my theory is that BO situation is related to liver detox and gut. Which is first in that chain I don't know. Is there SIBO/Candida/dysbiosys which put too much stress on the liver which just can't handle it and BO start or is it the other way?

For example - many people says that their BO is stronger if they are eating meat, If they reduce meat - then odor becomes better. I have that problem as well. But, some other people says that if they are eating only vegetables and not meat, the odor is still there.

How is that possible?

In liver detox phase 2, there are 7 pathways:

The Glycine pathway
The Taurine pathway
The Glutathione pathway
The Sulphation (sulfation) pathway
The Methylation pathway
The Glucoronidation pathway
The Acetylation pathway

Meat is made of proteins. (and water and fat, but that is not important now) Proteins are made of aminoacids. Two of them are methionine and cysteine. There are several steps in which they are converted to Glutathione,sulphate and for the Methylation pathway.

If those steps are not working well, those detox phatways are not working well. So if we eat meat and our BO is stronger - it's probably related to those aminoacids do not convert well to sulphate.

What about vegetables - well there are vegetables rich in sulphure (not sulphate!)

So if you eat them and not converting sulphure to sulphate - my guess is BO occurs just like from meat and eggs.

What do to about that - we have to improve liver phase 2 detox and those pathways. We have to take care of gut dysbyosis (sibo/candida).

How to do that - I'm not sure yet. Anyway for good sulphathion we need to to raise our sulphate levels in body for a start. There was one guy on this forum who said that his BO gone ones he start to take MSM. MSM requires one more step to be converted in sulphate, so maybe it will not be good for everyone. It's not good for me - it makes me weak and tired.

But Epsom Salt (magnesium sulphate) is rich in magnesium and in sulphate as well. There is one study that shows how to increase body magnesium and sulfate levels in 7 days:

To improve sulfation and methilatyon pathways, we must have adequate levels of b6,b12 and folic acid in active (coenzymated) form. We must have adequate levels of magnesium, molybdenum, zinc. The problem is, if there is gut dysbiose - some minerals and vitamins are not absorbed well - especially magnesium, and mg it's crucial mineral for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body (liver as well).

I found one interesting article and it says that amino acid histidine is also very important in those detox pathways:

So we need adequate vitamin and mineral levels, we need good digestion - stomach acid and digestive enzymes, we need good sulphate levels, we need to take care of dysbiose (SIBO/candida) problem. Still not sure how to do that.

I have recently read that some person reported BO reduction after using Liv.52 supplement. I think that this supplement increase liver detox 2 phase, but I'm not sure - sounds logical anyway. So we have to find something good for liver support.

Bile flow - this is very important. If we do not have good bile flow - toxins accumulate in the liver. If one have low Taurine (amino acid) than the bile flow will not be adequate.

Fibers are very important because we need to get rid of those toxins from intestine. But if you have SIBO, those fibers could be digested on the wrong place?? I'm not sure about that.

Anyway, there are people who are better with BO while taking Antibiotics . BO returns for some of them (or maybe all of them??) soon after AB therapy is over.

Even for TMAU, there is suggestion to go on low choline diet and use low dose of Antibiotics . But I think that taking AB for a long time can't be good.

What about probiotics - not sure. If one have SIBO, I'm not sure if it would be wise to take them. It's complicated situation.

Personally - I will try
and/or mutaflor in a few weeks. Maybe it would be better to go on course of Antibiotics and then on probiotics?


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