You can get a salivary cortisol/DHEA test on line without a doctor's prescription from for $125. In order to understand the results you would also need to purchase "Stop The Thyroid Madness," which is $20. I have adrenal fatigue, too, and I have learned sooooo much from that book. The book is written by a person who also had it and thyroid problems as well. She has compiled in depth information and instructions from real people all over the world about what really works to treat and heal the problem. Her web site "Stop The Thyroid Madness" explains in detail quite a bit of what is in the book, but you would still need to buy it to learn how to read your test results. Or...MyMedLab offers consultation services for a fee. (I don't know how much that is.) Adrenals can be "cured," but thyroid usually stops producing when given support so it becomes a life long thing. Not necessarily all the time, though, because I recently about a woman who successfully weened herself off of the thyroid meds. You definitely need the salivary cortisol/DHEA test though because symptoms for high or low cortisol are the same, but treating is different. There are over the counter adaptogens like Isocort and herbs that will work if your numbers aren't too high/low.