Re: Copper Detox - 2 year update
Hi Ricky,
I don’t think it can ever be as simple as a sodium level about X amount means more energy, especially while still detoxing.
My sodium is up, which indicates more adrenal strength. But my body is quickly using any available energy to pull out more metals ….. which reduces energy.
But I am sweating like CRAZY. It is so exciting to be able to sweat when exposed to heat.
It is hard to say when I felt the most improvements. Symptoms just slowly seem to be going away.
I haven’t completely gotten rid of any metal yet, they just keep climbing and climbing in my hair, only slowing down during a period of extreme external stress.
Yes my potassium is low, but I don’t take any. Not part of Wilson’s/ARL protocol
I know there are different schools of thought on that one, which I don’t completely understand since I haven’t read enough on that aspect.
This seems to be working for me …. so I am sticking with it.
I am not really sure of the magnesium to be honest. Like I say, don’t completely understand every aspect yet.
I will tweak the program a little if I understand a part of it well. For example, if I am having major detox symptoms, or starting to get “flu-like” feelings, I’ll increase Vitamin C for a couple of days.