THE WATER CURE is the sitz bath, all other water cures are far less in value and any one thinks they can drink 1/2 their weight in water daily is killing their heart and kidneys at the very least. Drinking 1/2 gallon water daily is enough, actually drink no water is better; take your water and make fruit juice and then your body can use that water.
Humans were not designed to drink surface or well water, we are designed to eat fruit and all fruit is loaded with sweet water. I and the kids rarely drink water, we live on fruit juice as our source of liquid. If I am working hard in the sun I may drink 2 gallons a day, but on a easy day 1/2 gallon is enough. All liquid consumption over 1/2 gallon a day is hard on the heart/kidneys. If you need to drink more than 1/2 gallon per day it means your working too hard.