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Re: water cure, how much is too much?
unyquity Views: 3,701
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 209,327

Re: water cure, how much is too much?

As I understand it, the formula calls for 1/2 your body weight (in pounds) converted to ounces. So a 150 pound person would drink 75 ounces of water.

Assuming you weigh 9 stone:

9 stones = 126 pounds

(one stone = 14 pounds)

126 pounds = 113 ounces of water daily

(33.8 fluid ounces in a liter)

113 ounces = 3.34 liters of water

I don't know how our bodies are designed for this, but I've been drinking at least as much water as this figures out to be for several years, and it's never-ever been anything but beneficial :)



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