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Re: Grapefruit seed extract (please give suggestions)
nogrowup Views: 15,980
Published: 12 y
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Re: Grapefruit seed extract (please give suggestions)

i've been battling parasites and candida hard core for over three years now and the finish line is finally in sight. i just started taking Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and, so far, have been having a good response to it. in my humble opinion, every situation and every body is different thus different treatments have different reactions. i have found this to be true through trial and error with my situation. there are several anti fungals that might be helpful for candida. some of them are peppermint, ginger grass, eucalyptus, pau d'arco, ect. you can just google "candida anti-fungal", then although it can be expensive, just trial and error from there.

as far as the constipation, i HIGHLY recommend an oxygenated magnesium such as coloson (there are a few brands but that's the one i use). i refer to it as a liquid draino, getting rid of the gunky buildup in the intestine. also, flooding the body with oxygen helps kill the candida. i have suffered from chronic constipation since i was very young and oxygenated magnesium has been the best thing i have ever taken. as it turns out, my constipation was due to an infestation of the newly discovered "rope worm" and since i've been cleansing the rope worm, my constipation has been improving :o) here's some info on the rope worm if you feel like reading a bit about it. there are photos so have caution, and maybe not read it over a meal ;o)


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