ruff magruff
avoiding constipation is the key to having succesful detox with minimal symptoms.
GSE caused the most severe die off symptoms of any product i took for candida. i was cheating on the diet when i took it so that is probably why--growing and killing and growing and killing candida...
constipation causes cravings and re-assimilation of things that are supposed to be leaving your body
granny smith apples on an empty stomach in the morning help alleiviate constipation...maybe even again an hour or more after lunch also usually ensures an overdue movement.
lightly salted water with unrefined salt drunk when most consipated helps me faster than anything...someone else has said
Epsom Salts work...
i have had little success with aloe capsules as it usually produces a movement the next day. but for me constipation is a hydration/mineral/ph problem where as aloe just makes everything slippery. i use aloe juice now-but not for constipation.
fiber/bentonite/charcoal/DE taken morning noon and night also ensures regularity as well as successful detox.
sufficient stomach acid is the first key to getting a regular bowel movement, everything else just assists the process. without a sufficiently acid bolus leaving the stomach the whole chain reaction of digestion is imparied-- ph is altered all along the intestines, and everything comes to a staggering halt. this can be done with bitters and/or betaine hcl.
veggies at every meal!!!