I've been slowly heading in the meatless direction for a long time now. Kind of without effort, my body just is not wanting any.
What is stopping me from being permanently meatless is this. After about 10 days I start to get some pretty serious abdomen pain, like gas throughout the whole abdomen and even in my upper back, everywhere. It gets worse and worse until I start to vomit at about day 14, and then the vomiting is constant and I can't keep anything down including water, in very very sick state.
I'm not new to liver flushes or parasite cleansing so I'm aware that this is probably a cleansing reaction. However, I've been through some serious cleansing reactions, but this one is insurmountable. I went to the hospital once for IV fluids due to dehydration.
Have you ever heard of this or could you point me in a direction.