Dr Wilsons Hidden Articles - Disturbing
I have been reading two of Dr Wilsons articles that are not directly linked from his website. I personally find them deeply disturbing, and I personally would be concerned over taking advice from him on ones health. We all know he is a bit of a crackpot with his sardines in metal cans and forms of meditation other than Roy Masters can damage you...but things just got a lot darker.
I find a lot of comments in this absolutely appalling, degrading to woman (and men) and highly offensive.
There are some mad comments on self-gratification, fine and some almost comical (a hamburger a day for three months in repayment for the deed), but the comments on woman and rape are absolutely terrible.
"A rape or some other trauma can lead to self-gratification in girls, as can too much emphasis on sex, sexy clothes, sexy talk, doing your hair and so on. This can also happen to boys and men, but it is much less commonly the cause."
Maybe its the way I have been brought up (no I am not religious nor am I silver spooned - I grew up on a council estate) so i'll let you make you own minds up and would love to hear other thoughts, but I think people like this are quite dangerous. It really saddens me.
We all know Wilsons ideas about AF and NB are largely based on theory, so if this is how his mind works, then how can you trust a protocol he designs!