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A bit of common sense about AF
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Published: 12 y

A bit of common sense about AF

Hey people,
this will be a bit of an old "Alt medicine VS traditional medicine".

This is what I know: I've got the symptoms *described* by AF, candida:
extreme, EXTREME brain fog - hard falling asleep+second wind at night always, BIG trouble waking up, digestion problems, some intolerance to certain foods (bread, old cheese, alcohol)...etc...

No blood tests have shown anything, ever, if not for some slight imbalances.

A regular doctor will tell me my bogus treatments don't work, since it's true I've gotten worse with any alt. medicine treatment. Always got worse in 7 years. Right now it's bad.

I do understand MD's are limited in thinking your adrenals either WORK, or they don't but it's really bad and you've got like Addison's. As if there was nothing in between.

But I'm kind of tired with all these insane diets, I only lose strength and weight through those. I'm tired of all those insane claims here and there that sound like it's 100% scientific when it's not at all.


I do believe AF exists, but Science still is very limited, and though some people might heal from some of those weird treatments, there are loads who just don't and continue to worsen and think it'll just come and oh, it's just the die-off symptoms.

Your body needs something you're not giving it. Never stop reading about your problem and look for ANYTHING possible.


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