Hi Bsiah I don't know of many work from home places, I think some phone companies and places like that allow you to work from home. try monster.com and Workopolis for starters. Even though I smell and I get comments at work, I'm still glad I have that job and I'm not stuck at home doing this. I really have no friends and it would be too lonely not to get outside at all. Try going to another doctor gp and get referred to a gastroenterologist. I know when I went to the gyno I asked to be tested for tmau and he referred me to an endocrinologist and then when the hospital got back to their office they said its not an endocrine problem it's a metabolic geneticist I should see then they were going to send me to a hospital that im pretty sure didn't test for tmau. I had to find out myself what hospitals in my city were testing for tmau, call them and confirm and it took 6 months to see one and im still waiting for my results. it can be really frustrating trying to find a doctor to investigate this problem when a lot of time they don't acknowledge that it's a problem. if I smell and there's no infection or organ problem I have to live with it! so sad beyond belief! I want to find a gastroenterologist that will test me with hydrogen breath testing but its so hard in this country, maybe if ur paying they would be more obliging.