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Re: wtf
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Re: wtf

Hey Bsiah
I'm glad I could be of some help in letting people know about these tests. The naturopathic doctor does them so it costs money from your own pocket unfortunately. Some of the tests are on that's what a lot of naturopathic places use or they might use another place. You can look up the tests there. Even better is if you can get tests by the medical community like the hydrogen breath testing which can test for Sugar intolerance, lactose intolerance and Sibo. The doctors might even use manitol and lactulose for some intestinal permeability testing but im not sure if its only naturopathic doctor. I mean I think tests from the medical community are better in a way because they can give you a strong treatment but anything that sheds light on whats causing and odor and help us to GET RID of it is worthwhile though I don't think ppl should spend all their time and $ on this.


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