Re: Found out what happened to me after taking PS
Hi Aerose,
I'm sorry this has been an arduous journey for you...just from one pill. It's a fair warning you put out as it's easy to 'try anything' to get better.
I really feel for you and i hope now you have doctors on board they identify the virus and help diminish it's horrendous effects.
Out of curiosity...what type of PS did you take? (if you remember and still have the bottle)
PS used to be extracted from bovine brains in the early days but for the majority of companies they switched to using soy lecithin as there were fears of viral tranference from using bovine brain.
This form of PS is usually identified as BC-PS (Bovine cortex phosphatidyleserine).
I don't know how many companies, if any, still use bovine cortex to produce PS but thought it might be worth mentioning so you can check the brand you took - which might help narrow-down the identity of the virus you've contracted.
Wishing you lots of luck in recovering from this. Hugs from Ireland.