Re: Since becoming Vegan 9 Months ago
I think I was already doing it in steps, but not planned. My desire for animal products just has been going away on its own. I don't eat pork at all and red meat very seldom, it's mainly white meat, animal fat and high fat dairy.
I don't think I'll give up dairy at any time soon due to my small intestine problems. I need things like kefir, yogurt and butter to keep things moving. One of the realizations I had about meat was that I was always going after the fats and not the protein. Once I realized that I dropped a lot of weight because the protein was just making me fat. When I do eat meat now it's more or less just for fat. I tried to use avocados as a replacement for saturated fat but that doesn't work because it's high in copper. Same thing with cashew. If I could tolerate soy yogurt that would be great but no can do.
I posted on a few vegan boards at one point and had a few consultations with some professionals and no one was even remotely in the position to actually help me through it. When I mentioned all the heavy metal and small intestine problems they just tuned out and were not capable.
Anyway for me it's about the protein and not the classification, the reactions I'm getting are from lack of animal protein.
I love all the vegan food choices too, at least in theory.
In reality I can't digest grains well, beans don't work for me even soaked and cooked, potatoes are out, soy is out, I do well on all fruits, and some vegetables but well cooked. It's easily enough to live on if I didn't hit that giant brick wall.
I know what regular detoxification is like as I've done
parasite cleanses, colonics, liver cleanses. Whatever happens to me during this vegan thing is not remotely like these and it doesn't end. I'm not even sure if it is a die-off, it could be that my body is literally breaking down due to some sort of amoeba or the heavy metals and I just wind up actually damaging my tissues by not feeding it necessary protein for repair.
I think I have to correct my digestion first before anything will work properly and then try the vegan diet again when my body is in that state. I guess for some people just making the diet switch is enough to correct the problems but not for me at this point.
I think that some people are genetically suited to be vegans and when they take that step all sorts of great things happen, like your experience. Maybe some of us are descended from neanderthals and actually need more animal foods.
If there is anyone who actually knows how to deal with the horrendous reactions I got then I want to talk with them. But I've been around the block plenty of times and don't have any patience for pat answers to life-threatening problems.